Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

Learning to live, Learning to shine.

Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16)

Beaconside Vision for PE 

PE and sport play a very important part in the life of Beaconside School and at least two one hour sessions per week are dedicated to physical activity in the curriculum. We believe that physical education and sport contribute to the holistic development of young people allowing them to express themselves outside the classroom. Through participation in sport and physical education, young people learn more about key values such as teamwork, fair play and respect for themselves and for others. We have found that our extensive PE and Sport Curriculum has had a massive impact on both the health and the behaviour of our pupils.

There is significant evidence to show the positive effects of sport and exercise on children’s physical health, growth and development. Furthermore, sport also provides a healthy environment for young people to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with both winning and losing.

Our high quality PE curriculum offers a wide variety of activities both in and out of curriculum time. Our children learn that being active is fun and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of their school life our children learn and explore basic movement skills, they develop these skills throughout their time at Beaconside and leave as confident movers able to play a wide range of sports.

At Foundation Stage and KS1, our children experience dance, games, athletics, gymnastics and lessons in fundamental movement and multi-skills. At KS2 in addition to those taught earlier, pupils also have lessons in swimming which include water confidence, safety and stroke technique. Our children enjoy outdoor and adventurous activities through our class based residentials.

The activities on offer outside of our curriculum time are run on a lunch time and after school. The clubs on offer will vary depending on the time of year. Our clubs are always very popular and are run by teachers, teaching assistants and fully qualified coaches. At the beginning of each term club letters are sent out and parents have a set period of time to apply for places. We endeavour to give every child a place in a club or more than one if it is possible, however on the rare occasion your child is unsuccessful, they will be placed on a reserve list and guaranteed a place in the next block of clubs.

At Beaconside we engender a life long love and enthusiasm for sport and physical activity which provides a sound knowledge of all the benefits sport can provide both personally and socially throughout one's life. 

Beaconside school provides children with the skills and knowledge which will allow them to access, experience and enjoy a range of sports and PE within the framework of the national curriculum and beyond.  We are incredibly lucky to have large outdoor spaces as well as two indoor halls which allow us to teach high quality physical education from Nursrey to Year 6.

We provide children with the opportunity to take part in competitive sport and develop pride in themselves and the school.  We provide them with the skills to evaluate and adapt in competitive situations and manage success and defeat.  We provide our children with the mental and physical stamina and strength to actively compete in different sporting formats.  See our Sports Blog for information about teams and events as well as our Sports Day page for information and reports..

High quality sport and Physical Education provides benefits to all children, both academically and socially;

  • Improves concentration, motivation, attainment and self esteem
  • Develops social skills, creates friendships and leadership skills
  • Improves health, both by improving fitness and wellbeing, therefore reducing the likelihood of long term illness

Through participation in sport we embed our core values of;

  • Honesty and Respect
  • Integrity and Empathy
  • Collaboration and Perseverance
  • Enthusiasm and Achievement

Our PE curriculum delivers all aspects of the national curriculum and is delivered by class teachers in Early Years, Key stage 1 and Key Stage 2 as well as sessions from specialist PE coaches or teachers.  

At Beaconside we are proud of our sporting success and compete in a variety of local and county competitions.  These are across a wide range of sports including Athletics, Football, Gymnastics and Tag Rugby.  We are currently County Indoor Athletic Champions thanks to some wonderful performances from our Athletes.

PE and School Sport Leader