Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil Premium is a payment made to schools by the Government. It makes up part of the school’s funding, is received into our budget and is made available for use throughout the whole school. Schools are free to decide how to allocate this funding to best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.
What is Pupil premium Funding?
Pupil premium is given to schools to raise attainment of pupils eligible for free school meals (or those that have been eligible within the last 6 years). It was first introduced in April 2011. Since then the amount schools receive has increased and schools must carefully plan, monitor and evaluate how this money is allocated.
How is funding allocated to schools?
From this year, we will be looking at a 3 year strategy to move away from “time-consuming” full annual reviews. Instead we will look at a “multi-year approach”, such as one review covering a three-year period, with “light touch” annual reviews. Thus following the DFE’s directive which would help schools take a longer view of the support the grant would provide and “align their plan with the wider school improvement strategy”. We will still summarise annually though due to the changes to the Pupil Premium year on year.
Below is the 21-24 full Pupil premium strategy including the pupil premium grant and also recovery premiums we have received as a school .
2021-2024 Beaconside's Pupil premium Strategy
Beaconside Pupil premium Strategy- 2023
Pupil Premium Strategy- 2022 review
Previous strategies
The money is allocated by the number of eligible children in school. The school receives £1300 per child for every child that is in eligible for free school meals or has been in the last 6 years. Further funding of £1900 is allocated for every Looked After Child.
Click the links below to see our Plans and Reviews
2017 - 18 Pupil Premium Strategy
2017-18 Pupil Premium Strategy Review
2018-19 Pupil Premium Strategy
Pupil Premium 2020-2021
Sports Funding
Click the link below to see our spending plan for 2022 - 23
Sport is a huge part of everything we do at Beaconside. We invest carefully in CPD for staff, create opportunities for competition (both internal and external) and buy appropriate resources and equipment so PE and Sport can enjoyed and accessed by all.
What is the Sports Premium Funding?
Sports Premium funding is money allocated to school to improve the health, wellbeing and academic achievement of children through sports and activities. Sport is an important part of our curriculum and extra curriculum provision at Beaconside. We aim to deliver high quality Physical Education teaching and a wide and varied range of sports and activities for children after school.
How is Funding allocated to schools?
Each school receives a lump sum and money per pupil. For 2017 - 18 this is £8000 plus an additional £5 per pupil. This means Beaconside receives around £10,000 to support to spend on PE and Sport provision.
How id the funding used at Beaconside?
Funding is carefully considered and invested in the following areas
- To provide affordable outdoor pursuits for all families
- To have a range of PE kit that enable children of all ages to represent the school
- Subscriptions into partnerships and competitions that provide opportunity for external competition and participation
- Broaden children's experiences through fell walking and ensuring all children have appropriate equipment
- Investment in high quality CPD and equipment to ensure all children receive a high quality curriculum experience within PE