Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

Learning to live, Learning to shine.

Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16)


For Science, we have developed our own knowledge rich curriculum written by Mrs Holmes which is underpinned by the National Curriculum. This has allowed for clear links to themes such as comparing animals in Australia to that of the UK in Year1 and animals that are found in the rainforest in Year 4. There is a great emphasis on investigative Science and learning will be practical wherever possible. There are also close links with Design and Technology where children will get the opportunity to apply their knowledge of pulleys and electricity. 


We base our Computing curriculum on the Purple Mash scheme of work which ensures pupils gain a solid grasp of the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to move onto further study at KS3.


This is another scheme of work that has been written by ourselves with Mrs Hall having carefully thought and written a programme of work that combines famous artists from abroad with local artists. The children will get the opportunity to visit Heaton Cooper Art studio in Year 3 and learn about Charlene Mullen and create work on London landmarks in her style. 

Design and Technology:

Miss Davis has planned a series of schemes of work that challenges the children in all aspects of design and technology. Each of these projects are linked to themes within class and include chutney and stew making in cooking, carnival wings as part of a Year 4 project and Viking Longboats in woodwork in year 5. 


The children in reception are following a scheme of work called the Power of PE which gives focus to the early development of gross motor skills and an introduction to balancing, throwing and catching. From Year 1, We follow the Striver schemes of work which have been carefully designed to build skills across sports and across year groups. 


For this area of learning, we follow the Scarf schemes of work. Each year prior learning is built on. This also covers aspects of mental health and Sex and relationships. 


We currently use the Charanga scheme of learning for our music teaching throughout school.  This is a well structured programme of learning that builds pupils knowledge, skills and understanding in music giving them time to study important pieces of music and also to learn how to create music. 
From Year 3, the children can also learn a musical instrument with instruction in school term from one of our many perapetic music teachers in conjunction with the Cumbria Music Service. The children can learn instruments such as the guitar, flute and violin and we also have children learning the drums and the trombone! If you are interested in your child learning a musical instrument, please contact the school office. 


Mrs Smith has written our Geography curriculum which really has the Lake District at the heart of it. As the basis for learning, children can learn all about the physical features in our area. We use Cumbria as a way of comparing different aspects of geography with other regions of the UK and countries around the world. For example, they learn about Penrith in Australia and Cumbria in Year 1, farming in Egypt and Cumbria in Year 4 and compare the human and physical geography of America, Russia and the United Kingdom in Year5. The geography curriculum is concluded in year 6 with a =visit to the country's capital and one final visit to the Lake District. 


Ms Hawkins has written our History curriculum and this includes Toys from the past, Famous firsts (Valentina Tereshkova, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong) and Influential women throughout History all within our KS1 History curriculum. In Key Stage 2, we take advantage of our local area which is steeped in history by learning about the Border Wars in Year 3. Our local, in-depth study is the Romans in Year 4. In Year 6, our post 1066 study is built all around World War 2 taking advantage of a visit to London to introduce the War and then look at how it impacted our local area. 


In Key Stage 2, the children will have weekly French lessons. Teaching staff will use Primary Languages Network to introduce children to words and phrases in French. Children will develop spoken and written French that focuses on every day life and conversational language.