Hello, I’m Judith Markey, the present Chairman of Governors. It has been a great pleasure to serve as Chair of Governors and see the school grow and develop. The school is always such a wonderful place to visit, with children smiling and learning. It makes me very proud of all our children and hard working, committed staff.
I would like to welcome you to our Governor pages and hope it explains who we are, our role as individual governors and the role of the governing body.
Governors also make sure that the school correctly manages its budget and ensure that resources are allocated so our children have access to resources and buildings are fit-for-purpose. As part of this we monitor Health and Safety procedures as well as Safeguarding.
We meet four times a year as a full governing body and receive reports from individual governors, the headteacher and externally provided reports., Governors also monitor the school's performance by going on school trips, take ‘learning walks’ to understand the daily life of the school, attend collective worship and church services.
Each governor has a link with a specific area of school improvement eg reading, finance. This means our individual skills are utilised to support the school. An example of this is a foundation governor, promoted by the local churches to ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is being followed and that each of your children is being valued as an individual.
You can contact me as Chair of Governors through the office on 01768 840868, or email office@beaconside.cumbria.sch.uk. Alternatively you can write to me and hand to the school office.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and governor pages. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.