Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

Learning to live, Learning to shine.

Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16)

At Beaconside we promote SMSC development by providing positive experiences through planned and considered opportunities in the curriculum and through interactions with teachers, visitors and the local community. 

These include:

  • visits to museums
  • meeting with authors and other visitors to the community and school
  • trips and visits
  • sports day
  • assembly themes and values with daily collective worship
  • school productions
  • links with the local churches, St. Andrew's Penrith
  • Pupil peer mentoring
  • Broad and rich curriculum topics which celebrate diversity and British Values
  • Themed curriculum days.

Our curriculum ensures that all children explore, investigate and experience a wide range of opportunities, including teaching in R.E and citizenship, Relationship and Sex Education, and a wide range of extra-curricular and out of school activities. These ensure that children understand their place in our multicultural modern society through each of the key strands.

We have worked hard to establish an innovative, creative curriculum which excites and inspires pupils; part of this rich diet of experiences includes exploring the Christian faith and other world religions.


  • Explore values and beliefs including religious beliefs and the way they impact on people's lives
  • To understand feelings and emotions, in particular the way they impact on others and how understanding them can be helpful in our society.
  • Understanding of key events and festivals in the annual calendar including, Harvest, Diwali, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Eid, Easter and Ramadan.


  • Our behaviour policy is based on our key values and vision including equality, respect, understanding and knowing how to do the right thing. A system of rewards and consequences underpin this and support the children in making appropriate and informed choices.
  • Opportunities in our curriculum enable children to explore moral concepts and values for example, work in the WW1/2 topic children explored whether war was the only option?
  • Developing the skills, personal qualities and knowledge of others necessary for living and working together.


  • Supporting children to work effectively together, understand different needs and to make a contribution to the school and wider community.
  • Awareness of charities, their work, how to help others in our locality and further afield. Raising money for Children in Need, Comic Relief, Macmillan and collecting for our local Food Bank.


  • Encouraging a response to a variety of cultural activities
  • Learning about other countries, their features, customs, beliefs and societies.
  • Encourage children to explore their beliefs and opinions through understanding and knowledge of a wide range of beliefs.